XRG - Nissan S13 Engines Tweak for Z28

This tweak is simulating three Engines of the Nissan Silvia S13. If the stock power is not enough you can use the HKS Garrett GT2871R turbo to get more power. The wheels are not changed but if you want you can change them using the Wheels Editor.

Tweak Info:
-Engines: Inline 4
-Displacement: 1.8L, 2.0L or 2.4L
-Drivetrain: Rear Wheels Drive [RWD]

Author: Freak

Works online only on tweak servers.
How to use it:
1. Download and Unrar the file linked below anywhere in your computer.
2. Run the game and the .exe file from the archive.
3. Press one of the three engines buttons and the "HKS Garrett GT2871R" button if you want more power.
5. Go back to the game and Select XRG with any setup.

Tweak Download
